Tuesday, 19 August 2014

turning four

Apparently Ethan had a birthday.

About four and a half months ago.

We made sure the day was all about him.

We let him choose which way to walk.

Jump in all the puddles he wanted.

He ran, stomped, was loud and free.

We threw him around till his blood was all his head.

Andy and I smiled at each other as we watched our children run and laugh.

And I was secretly (and not so secretly) thrilled that my newly four-year-old boy still wanted to hold my hand.

We then returned home to present our boy with cake...

and a cousin... (Ethan plays with older and younger children without discrimination. All will get buckets on their heads.)

and more than a few...


and uncles...


and a parent or two.

This boy. He absolutely slays me. His enthusiasm, determination and kindness are all qualities I'd love to have in as much abundance as he does. 

Monday, 18 August 2014

summer part one

I suck at consistency.

So, we had a baby.

And school is out for summer.

We're currently working our way through our summer bucket list.

Making plaster casts...

toy car wash...

bird watching (which is apparently clothing optional)...

making rain clouds, which turned into a foam fight...

bubble pictures...

potato printing...

snail collecting...

diving into your art work...

or wrestling it, depending on which child you are...

Izzy and Ethan have also discovered card games.

Oh, and there's been a lot of this:

And please excuse the unedited and often rushed photos, because seriously?!

I'm more than a little distracted.