Friday, 5 July 2013


Oh summer how I've missed you. 

Watching my kids run, dig and explore until the moment where I absolutely must go inside and cook something for us to eat. 

One of my guilty pleasures, though it really shouldn't be, is to sit on their swing and just watch them play. 

I say it's a guilty pleasure because while doing so I am constantly reminded of the laundry which needs putting away, or the weeds that need to be pulled, or even the people I need to call. But I love to take that time, and am learning to make the the time, to be with them. 

I'm not as good at interacting with their play now that they're older and more independent. But when I'm sat watching for twenty minutes I just become the background and can hear their sweet thoughts and see their imaginations making whole new worlds. 

Oh and this boy. He loves to totter over and sit on my knee and swing. One of his, and my, favourite ways to snuggle is to touch cheeks. Just side by side. It's our special way of saying I love you. 

And so we sit and swing, watching Izzy dig in her plastic noisy heels and silently saying "I love you" as the sun beats down. 

I do love the way the sun insists that you slow down.

I've been talking to Andy recently about being less stressed around the kids and soaking up these precious years. 

Trying not to worry about the toys flung from organised baskets and smears on the windows. Because I'm all too aware that there will be a day when I will ache for these days. 

I'll miss the ridiculous insults ("you're a poopy bum-bum"), the endless picking up of cushions from the floor and demands of wrestles just when I've sat down.

I'm trying very hard to have that hindsight, even when it's the most difficult. Because let's face it; 5.30am wake-ups don't always get me appreciating this age, but summer days like today absolutely will.


  1. I have to keep trying to stop thinking about all the housework can be so hard! It is a daily battle but I know it's so important to be with them! x
