Saturday 2 March 2013

a few thoughts on motherhood

I find it hard to remember my life before children sometimes. 

And not just because I lost a lot of brain cells during childbirth...

Mostly it's hard to remember me back then. 

Not in a bad way, not because my children have made me forget who I am. But because I'm better because of my children. 

I knew little of sacrifice, real work and the pure joy of meeting your own child for the first time. 

I don't think it matters how old you are when you have your children. Whenever that happens you grow. 

If you allow it motherhood can and should change you. 

When I let it my children teach me how to love purely. They show me how to see things with new and unjaded eyes. 

To find joy in the littlest things. 

One thing I need to do more often is to slow down and appreciate the day. To live in the moment with them. 

To allow the difficult days to teach me patience. 

To remember that I'm not managing an inconvenience, but raising human being. They are little people that I'm responsible for.

To allow their tantrums to teach me how to communicate better.

I should be taught by them as much as much as I try to teach them.


  1. Us mothers need reminding sometimes of the huge divine responsibility given to us by raising children. Inspiring words xx

  2. thanks Mary. it's easy to forget how important parenting is sometimes.
